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By signing an online Unifor Digital Card, you are standing up for yourself, your family and your community, by pledging to stay with Unifor.
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With Unifor, you are part of a truly national union – the country’s largest union in the private sector, in fact, with 315,000 members, including 9,000 in your sector.
One third of all unionized rail workers in Canada are members of Unifor.
No other union can match our strength and influence, at the bargaining table and when talking to all levels of government about the policies that affect your job.
A Truly National Union
- 28 offices in every region of the country, from Vancouver to St. John’s
- 9,000 members in the rail industry
- Rail workers representation at the highest decision-making body
Strength in Numbers
In this round of bargaining, we’re bargaining for better working conditions, a strengthened pension for all workers at VIA Rail, all while Unifor is at work lobbying for a stronger future for all rail workers.
Through Unifor Local 100 and Council 4000, the fact is that Unifor rail workers bargain better collective agreements.
We unite behind shared goals then set standards for health and safety, wages and benefits that employers across the industry are forced to respect.
In Quebec, Unifor members supported by the strength of more than 600,000 members of the FTQ. Across the country, Unifor’s 315,000 members are always ready to unite behind each other.
Advantages of Unifor Membership
Dedicated staff in our legal, pensions and benefits, health and safety, education, and skilled trades departments and more are here for you every day to assist your elected representatives and your bargaining committee to get the best collective agreements in your sector.
Unifor’s political strength is unmatched in Canada, especially at the federal level. The Unifor Rail Council has developed a National Transportation strategy that puts quality, sustainable freight and passenger rail at the heart of all federal lobbying and priorities. Unifor is working in Ottawa to sustain good jobs, and a brighter future, for rail workers.
Myths and Facts
By now, you may have received a flyer by those trying to take your bargaining unit out of Unifor. To be honest, it is disappointing to see so much misleading information being distributed about your dues, and your pension.
You deserve better than empty promises about greener pastures that just don’t add up.
When we compare Local 100 member’s dues to the average CSN dues, you pay less and get more services from Unifor.
When we compare the Local 100 Hybrid VIA Rail plan to CSN’s plans in rail, you get a higher annual pension.
It is disheartening to see the CSN try to mislead you about life with their union.